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Why We Do

Team Vaan strives to recognise and nurture the immense potential of the women from BPL sections. In addition to resilience, they possess an incredible reserve of untapped entrepreneurial skills and the ability to multitask with a seamless focus. Though most of them carry a dream to make big, they face unique challenges when it comes to making their entrepreneurial aspirations a reality. From limited financial resources, lack of formal education, gender bias, to lack of infrastructure & resources, they have lots of hurdles to overcome and challenges to tackle. They need a strong stand-by support system to fight adversities and unleash their true potential.

Vaan does just that

Team Vaan guides them on their entrepreneurial journey with the right resources and insights driven precision, and equips them with a regular earning and a better standard of living. This in turn helps them provide better education and lifestyle for their children, and eventually lead to a promising future for one and all.

We also encourage them to hire other women in their vicinity and take their business to the next level. This elevates their entrepreneurial capabilities and helps them form beautiful bonds with other women travelling in the same boat.

What We Do

In a world where women empowerment is an ongoing pursuit, there are many government facilitated schemes and programmes designed to transform women into successful entrepreneurs.

But women from BPL sections, more often than not, are not always aware of such schemes or the right direction to pursue their passion. Team Vaan aims to train and handhold them till they take sure-footed steps into entrepreneurship.

Training & skill development

We offer comprehensive entrepreneurship training programs to equip them with essential business skills and the tools required to start and manage their own ventures. They are also given product training in the industry that best suits their capabilities. From communication skills, time management, to financial management, they are given holistic training to sustain as successful entrepreneurs.

Securing Job work projects

As marketing and promotions are a big responsibility to shoulder at the initial stages, we help them secure individual job work projects in the industry vertical that best suits their skills. In addition to hands-on working knowledge, they also gain valuable insights about the market and demand. Team Vaan's responsibility doesn't just end there.

Their progress is regularly monitored to see if their quality of work is on par with the quality standards set out by the industry. This will show if they are business ready to take on their own ventures.

Access to capital & resources

Through fruitful partnerships with financial institutions and microfinance organisations, we facilitate access to affordable loans, grants, and financial support at flexible repayment terms. We also monitor their progress to ensure that they fulfill the repayment obligations.

Additionally, we help them gain access to key resources and infrastructure to confidently pave their business pathway.

Mentorship & Guidance

This section of women are usually tied down by societal pressure and insecurity, and need a lot of encouragement to step out of their comfort zone. We mentor them by providing industry insights and valuable advice, mainly to impart self confidence. Team Vaan strives to be their guiding light.

Networking & Market Opportunities

Networking is an integral part of entrepreneurship and that is the part BPL women struggle at, due to lack of formal education. Backed by a vibrant team of industry professionals, investors, and potential customers, Team Vaan organises events, fairs, and networking sessions to foster meaningful connections. These networking sessions also act as a gateway towards new opportunities and avenues for success.

Business Incubation Support

When BPL women take the initiative to establish their own venture, we facilitate their access to key resources and infrastructure. We stand by them, monitor their progress, and help them make well informed decisions on time. If they require market connect or assistance to create their own brand, we provide the needed assistance. From documentation to legal regulations, our team will be on hand to help.

How We Do

Identifying the industry verticals

Team Vaan's work starts with identifying the industry verticals that are ideal for BPL women to foray into. Not all domains suit them due to a lack of formal education and a nurturing home environment.

Placing the right people for the right job

Once we zero in on the verticals, we segregate the women based on their capabilities and skill sets. This helps us place the right person at the right place.

Product training & job works

The women are given in-depth product training to familiarise themselves with the industry. Once they successfully complete the training period, we secure them relevant job work projects. In addition to understanding the domain better, this time period also enhances their skill sets.

Affordable loans to set up independent units

Once they gain the confidence to venture independently, we help them secure affordable loans to set up their own unit and facilitate access to key resources and manpower.

Team Vaan's role as an accountability partner

We also monitor their progress at regular intervals. We take note of their attendance, output quality, and input - output ratio to assess if they are optimally using the raw materials and finances. As meeting financial obligations is an integral business management skill, we monitor if they are replaying their loans on time.

Additionally, Team Vaan is always on hand to help them with networking, market connect, branding, and scaling up. We do our best to boost up their confidence levels and self worth. This helps them break the shackles of poverty and emerge as successful entrepreneurs in the long run.

Where We Do

Vaan is a pilot project that was launched in the Madurai Central Constituency, in June 2022. We are glad to note the significant impact it has on the BPL sections. As we continue to transform lives, plans to launch Vaan all over Tamilnadu are on the cards.

Yes, the tiny seedling that was implanted in Madurai is rapidly growing into a kalpavriksham to touch and transform many more lives! Come, join hands with us, and create meaningful impacts.